A Japan-only sequel to SVC: Card Fighters' Clash called "SNK Vs. Capcom Card Fighters 2 Expand Edition" was released in 2001 for the Neo Geo Pocket Color after Capcom vs. SNK 2. In addition to the 240 "Character" and 60 "Action" cards from the first game, 124 new cards are included in this sequel. Included in these new cards are 40 "Reaction" cards. Reaction cards are similar to Action cards, but they can be used during the opponent's attack. Also, the character cards that were in SVC: Card Fighter's Clash now have new SD illustrations made by a different artist. Another new feature is special character cards with alternate versions of various characters depicted with regular artwork instead of the super deformed style. Instead of being released as two versions (SNK and Capcom) like the previous game, this game was released as a single version that let you decide to either start with a SNK deck or a Capcom deck. It was the last game to be released for the Neo Geo Pocket Color in Japan.
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