Selasa, 14 Oktober 2014

Aplikasi Dana Bergulir PNPM (ADB PNPM)

Aplikasi yang di design khusus untuk membantu administrasi perguliran dana PNPM, terdapat banyak fitur yang dapat membantu UPK dalam hal kelengkapan dokumentasi, antisipasi kehilangan data (Auto Backup), cetak report harian, bulanan dan dokumen kelengkapan setiap proses dalam tahapan perguliran dana mulai dari penerimaan proposal, verifikasi, MKP, SPM, SPK, kartu angsuran, kwitansi dan lain sebagainya.
Aplikasi ini di gunakan pertama kali oleh UPK PNPM se-Kabupaten Bondowoso, lalu Kabupaten Situbondo dan Lumajang. Di dalam aplikasi ini juga di sediakan fitur SMS Server yang mana dapat digunakan untuk mengirim SMS Broadcast (Pengumuman), SMS Auto Reply, SMS Schedule (Pemberitahuan jatuh tempo otomatis). Aplikasi ini memiliki 2 konsep dalam pengoperasiannya, yang pertama dengan local server yaitu server / pusat data berada di masing-masing UPK dan yang kedua berbasis VPN (Virtual Private Network) yaitu server / pusat data menjadi satu untuk semua kecamatan se-Kabupaten, kelebihan dari konsep kedua ini adalah dalam hal filter double keanggotaan atau anggota yang di blacklist, jikaada anggota yang bermasalah di satu kecamatan lalu pindah ke kecamatan lain untuk meminjam maka secara otomatis aplikasi akan memberitahu bahwa anggota tersebut bermasalah di kecamatan lain berdasarkan nomor KTP yang digunakan, jadi dapat menanggulangi oknum-oknum yang berniat melakukan kecurangan.

Jumat, 23 September 2011

Microsoft Office 2007 Professional

Microsoft Office merupakan program aplikasi office paling populer di dunia. Hampir seluruh lapisan masyarakat di dunia menggunakan Microsoft Office, mulai dari Pekerja, siswa, mahasiswa, sampai ibu rumah tangga menggunakannya. Microsoft Office bisa membantu anda menyelesaikan pekerjaan di berbagai bidang, antara lain bisnis, kesehatan, hiburan, dan perkantoran. Seiring dengan perkembangan kemajuan teknologi dan untuk tujuan memnuhi kebutuhan masyarakat yang semakin kompleks, Setelah sekian lama, Microsoft merilis Microsoft Office 2007.
Microsoft Office 2007 ini merupakan pengembangan dari Microsoft Office 2003 yang telak sekian lama hadir menemani masyarakan dunia. Di dalam program office 2007 tersebut terdapat Microsoft Word 2007, Microsoft Excel 2007, Microsoft Powerpoint 2007, Microsoft Outlook 2007, dan Microsoft Access 2007.
Microsoft Word 2007 merupakan program aplikasi pengolah kata. Kita bisa mengetikkan teks, memasukkan gambar, mengolah tabel, membuat dokumen massal, serta aplikasi lainnya. Tampilan Microsoft Word 2007 sangat berbeda dengan versi yang pernah ada sebelumnya pada word 2003. Pengguna yang telah terbiasa dengan Ms Word 2003 mungkin akan sedikit kesulitan dan butuh waktu untuk beradaptasi dengan Word yang baru ini, namun secara keseluruhan, Microsoft Word 2007 ini mempunyai banyak kelebihan yang tidak dimiliki office word sebelumnya.
Microsoft Excel 2007 merupakan program aplikasi pengolah angka. Kita dapat menggunakan Microsoft Excel sebagai aplikasi yang bisa mendukung berbagai pekerjaan terutama yang menitik beratkan pada angka dengan berbagai kondisi dan fungsi yang dimasukkan dalam lembar kerja. Grafik pun bisa ditampilkan untuk mendukung data-data angka yang ada, sehingga laporan bisa menjadi lebih lengkap.
Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 merupakan aplikasi yang digunakan untuk membuat presentasi. Kita bisa mengatur tampilan presentasi yang kita kehendaki dengan diiringi suara. Kita juga dapat mengatur bentuk tampilan, background, dan lain-lain. Microsoft PowerPoint akan membuat presentasi yang kita buat menjadi lebih menarik. Para pengguna akan menemukan Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 ini lebih menarik dan mempunyai lebih banyak fitur dibanding versi terdahulunya, namun lagi-lagi, waktu untuk adaptasi dibutuhkan untuk membiasakan diri dengan layout office yang baru.
Microsoft Outlook 2007 merupakan aplikasi yang digunakan untuk megelola e-mail, membuat dan mengatur jadwal, membuat address book, membuat contact, dan berbagai fungsi lain. Kita dapat mengatur dan mengelompokkan e-mail dengan menambahkan warna tersendiri, sehingga pekerjaan kita akan menjadi lebih mudah.
Microsoft Access 2007 merupakan aplikasi yang digunakan untuk merancang dan mengelola database dengan sangat mudah. Kemampuan dan kemudahan fasilitas yang dimiliki membuat kita serasa dimanjakan oleh berbagai fitur dan fasilitas yang tersedia di dalam Microsoft Access 2007.

Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

System Mechanic 9.5

System Mechanic 9, the most famous Windows optimization software to fix and speed up your computer performance. This System Mechanic has been improved a lot in terms of memory utilization, speed and performance. Plus more, it can removes thousands of megabytes of Windows update clutter, broken installer remnants, and internet tracks, keeping your PC clean and efficient.

Meanwhile, the new System Mechanic 9 is available in two versions standard and professional. The standard edition includes registry and junk file cleaner, error repair tool and vulnerability scanner. Professional edition offers few extra tools like iolo System shield, Search and Recover and DriveScrubber.

System Mechanic

 The biggest new feature is a hard drive monitor tool, DriveSense, that shows details such as temperature, spin-up time, recalibration retries, and write-error rate. This tool will come in handy for anyone who needs to determine whether a system problem is being caused by a failing hard drive. Other than that, the changes to version 8 are minor. The AI Registry defragmentation tool, first implemented in version 6, now analyzes the degree of fragmentation, so optimization and compacting don't automatically occur at low levels. ActiveCare, which automates problem-correcting tasks when you're no longer at your computer, takes a little less RAM to do so, and comes with a few more startup options based on battery power usage (for laptops), full screen mode for video, and a few other tweaks. You can also now access the Windows Firewall from within System Mechanic, rather than having to bring it up through Windows Control Panel. As far as improvements, that's about it.
Newcomers to the program, of course, will still find a lot to like about System Mechanic. It has a fine collection of hard disk utilities (including repair and defrag), it lets you safely repair your system Registry, it blocks and removes spyware and other junk files (via the cleverly named Spython module), and it even handles RAM defragmentation. System Mechanic's System Configuration tools let you manage startup executables with ease (giving you control over what resource-hogging files start at bootup), and System Mechanic's NetBooster tool can make the most of your Internet connection speed. Several of these components are aging and in need of a good overhaul—the hard drive defragmentation tool, for example, is severely outclassed by the likes of Ultimatedefrag 2008.

Download System Mechanic

System Mechanic

 The biggest new feature is a hard drive monitor tool, DriveSense, that shows details such as temperature, spin-up time, recalibration retries, and write-error rate. This tool will come in handy for anyone who needs to determine whether a system problem is being caused by a failing hard drive. Other than that, the changes to version 8 are minor. The AI Registry defragmentation tool, first implemented in version 6, now analyzes the degree of fragmentation, so optimization and compacting don't automatically occur at low levels. ActiveCare, which automates problem-correcting tasks when you're no longer at your computer, takes a little less RAM to do so, and comes with a few more startup options based on battery power usage (for laptops), full screen mode for video, and a few other tweaks. You can also now access the Windows Firewall from within System Mechanic, rather than having to bring it up through Windows Control Panel. As far as improvements, that's about it.
Newcomers to the program, of course, will still find a lot to like about System Mechanic. It has a fine collection of hard disk utilities (including repair and defrag), it lets you safely repair your system Registry, it blocks and removes spyware and other junk files (via the cleverly named Spython module), and it even handles RAM defragmentation. System Mechanic's System Configuration tools let you manage startup executables with ease (giving you control over what resource-hogging files start at bootup), and System Mechanic's NetBooster tool can make the most of your Internet connection speed. Several of these components are aging and in need of a good overhaul—the hard drive defragmentation tool, for example, is severely outclassed by the likes of Ultimatedefrag 2008.

Download System Mechanic

System Mechanic

 The biggest new feature is a hard drive monitor tool, DriveSense, that shows details such as temperature, spin-up time, recalibration retries, and write-error rate. This tool will come in handy for anyone who needs to determine whether a system problem is being caused by a failing hard drive. Other than that, the changes to version 8 are minor. The AI Registry defragmentation tool, first implemented in version 6, now analyzes the degree of fragmentation, so optimization and compacting don't automatically occur at low levels. ActiveCare, which automates problem-correcting tasks when you're no longer at your computer, takes a little less RAM to do so, and comes with a few more startup options based on battery power usage (for laptops), full screen mode for video, and a few other tweaks. You can also now access the Windows Firewall from within System Mechanic, rather than having to bring it up through Windows Control Panel. As far as improvements, that's about it.
Newcomers to the program, of course, will still find a lot to like about System Mechanic. It has a fine collection of hard disk utilities (including repair and defrag), it lets you safely repair your system Registry, it blocks and removes spyware and other junk files (via the cleverly named Spython module), and it even handles RAM defragmentation. System Mechanic's System Configuration tools let you manage startup executables with ease (giving you control over what resource-hogging files start at bootup), and System Mechanic's NetBooster tool can make the most of your Internet connection speed. Several of these components are aging and in need of a good overhaul—the hard drive defragmentation tool, for example, is severely outclassed by the likes of Ultimatedefrag 2008.

Download System Mechanic